Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Spooky Town 2015 :-)

I have been waiting to see the new Spooky Town for 2015 (it's their 25th anniversary this year!) and they finally have it at our local Michaels store!!!!  I know, it's a wee bit early for Halloween but it's my favorite holiday and I just love Lemax Spooky Town- any time of year. :-)

I'm already making plans for my layout this year and since I don't have enough room anymore on our buffet table, my husband mentioned to buy a long table- I have seen a lot of these types of tables for camping or at craft fairs. I'm excited because this will give me a lot more to work with in set design and lighting, etc!!

Banshee's Boo-B-Traps is the big release this year, and it lights up, moves, and has lights so can't wait to get it!  I'm just hoping that I can take advantage of Michael's 50% off sale because $130 for this is steeeeeep!

I don't feel the need for them all, but the few that I have on my list to grab are:

"Spooky Hollow Pumpkin Patch"

"Gory Grillin"

"Spooky Haunted Birdhouse"

"Bat Bath"

"Bump In the Night"

"The Gate House at Haunted Meadows"

and maybe "Wanda's Wicked Cupcakes"

I am in a Spooky Town collector's page on Facebook and was told that this website carries a lot of the collection as well: E Hobby Tools

Now the one thing I need is what's called a "scene setter" which is basically a background that hangs behind/above the collection.  I am NOT talented enough to make one, as many people are, so I've opted to find one online.  It's hard to find backdrops that aren't cheesy or just plain ridiculous...lol~

I did find these that are options:

It's a good price.

Also a good price.

I am also going to put up some Halloween lights like these
 and some creepy gauze fabric like this